light bulb floating over hand

Considering Your Winter Energy Needs

Before you begin to really put your HVAC system through its paces this coming winter, it would be a good idea to consider your perceived energy needs, i.e. what would be required of your system in order to keep you comfortable, and what you can do to help reduce the load on your system as works to achieve this goal. After all, not only do you pay for increased output in the short-term with increased and unnecessary energy costs, but you also greatly reduce the life expectancy of your HVAC system in general.

If you would like to, say, maintain your home at a steady 68 degrees Fahrenheit, the best way to maintain that temperature when it is below freezing outside is to:

  • Keep all doors and windows shut with the curtains drawn.
  • Leave all air registers open.
  • Have faucets running overnight to prevent pipe freezing.

So before firing up those inefficient floor heaters and ancient, ozone-melting appliances, here are some ways you can ease the burden on your HVAC system and maybe even save some money.

Use the Fireplace

If your space has a hearth and a fireplace or even just a wood-burning fireplace, building a fire can help heat a fairly large space. Gathering burning wood will be required, as will checking the flue and chimney cap. Clean and/or conduct repairs as needed. Just be sure to open the flue before use, otherwise smoke will enter your living space. Also be sure to install and/or check existing carbon dioxide and fire alarms before use.

Put Up Heavy Curtains

Quite a bit of energy goes right out of the glass of our windows and uselessly  into the night, along with our hard-earned money. To prevent this from occurring, it is a good idea in the winter time to put up heavy curtains that help keep heat inside your home. One example, called thermal curtains, have a layer of insulation inside. Even seemingly little changes with interior design can have serious implications regarding energy costs.

Replace Your Filters Regularly

To keep your HVAC system and furnace running smoothly, you will want to make sure that it is trapping all outside pollutants at the door, before they have a chance to get into your indoor environment. The best way to ensure that this happens is to regularly replace the filter for your HVAC system. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions and only purchase and use the filter type of their specification. This should be done every six months or more depending on your needs.

How FAMCO Can Help

We are one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of HVAC supplies and accessories in the Pacific Northwest. When it comes to keeping your home environment healthy and happy, we take our job seriously and then some. If you have any questions about our products or services, please reach out to us. We’ll be more than happy to help.

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