If you have a chimney you know what the upsides and downsides are to having one. The upsides are that it’s great to be able to have a fireplace, and chimneys can make it easy to ventilate the air out. The downside usually involve all the extra cleaning and maintenance that go into maintaining a clean chimney. A bad chimney vent clogs up and needs cleaning regularly, and that is not an easy job. The benefits outweigh the negatives, and the good news is that there is an easy way for the downside to be even less of one.

Chimney caps are an excellent way to help keep your chimney running smoothly and not require as much extra cleaning and maintenance. However chimney caps come in a lot of different styles and materials, which can greatly affect how well they are able to keep your chimney working properly. Copper chimney caps are an excellent choice to help your chimney function at its best and save you from unnecessary cleaning and upkeep. Copper is a durable material that is easy to clean, and patinas with time. Our design does not get clogged easily, and removal for cleaning is very stress-free.
FAMCO provides a variety of different kinds of copper chimney caps to fit different types, styles, and sizes of chimneys. It is important to get a good quality chimney cap to save you the time and hassle of having to constantly clean out your chimney. A good chimney cap helps you to enjoy your fireplace more and not have to worry about it as frequently. We have a variety of options that you can choose from to best suit your budget and your chimney. All of our products are quality made and built to last. Trying to juggle work, family, and everything else going on in your life that last thing you need is a big project to deal with.
Cleaning a chimney is a big, and time consuming project that no one wants to do. It becomes a pain to own a fireplace and if the chimney isn’t clean and you want to have a fire sometimes you won’t be able to, or it can be dangerous. Copper chimney caps are an excellent way to avoid all of this trouble and skip straight to enjoying your fireplace, and not have to worry about having to clean it after every use.