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The Right Tools For Proper Attic Ventilation

The average homeowner may not think too much about their attic.For many, it’s just another storage vessel to catch all of the extras we tend to hang onto. However, neglecting its core function as an in-home environment regulator can cause all types of problems regardless of where you live, such as:

  • Roof rot
  • Ice dams
  • Higher cooling costs
  • Shingles compromised by heat damage

Do you think your attic is retaining too much heat? Touch the ceiling on a warm, sunny day. If it’s hot, your attic is retaining too much heat. Having a problem with thick ice ridges on your eaves could be a sign of trapped hot air melting the ice and snow just enough to create ice dams.

It can be hard to determine the balance between too much and too little attic ventilation, so to make it easier for you, we’ve laid out the various tools that will help you protect your roof’s integrity and reduce your energy costs.

Soffit Vents

Soffit vents, also known as eve vents, allow fresh air into your attic and can also be used for a piped bathroom or kitchen exhaust vent, two places where heat and moisture like to accumulate.

Most homeowners utilize metal eave vents in continuous fashion, which allows fresh air to enter the attic and regulate heat and ice dam buildup. FAMCO offers a variety of soffit vents to fit any budget, taste, or need.

Still not sure how many or what types of soffit vents to use? Check out our tutorial and find out.

Roof Vents

Another tool every homeowner should have in their arsenal of proper attic ventilation are roof vents. Whether it’s blistering hot or frigidly cold, roof vents provide balance by reducing attic air temperature in the summer and reducing humidity levels in the winter.

As the attic tends to be a catch-all for whatever is going on outside, maintaining this balance is crucial in reducing your energy costs and protecting your roof. Fresh air passes quietly through these vents and allows the hot air to escape, taking the burden off of your air conditioner.

Which roof vent to choose depends entirely on your own unique needs and preferences, and FAMCO has a wide variety of roof vents available to meet your requirements.

Gable Vents

And lastly, gable vents are another tool to help remove heat and moisture from your attic space in a quiet, efficient manner. As the heat rises, it escapes out of the gable vents, preventing the buildup of moisture, mold, and mildew, while also reducing your energy costs and overall protecting your investment.

In the end, without proper ventilation and fresh air circulation throughout, the in-home environment can get very unhealthy, very fast. Bacteria thrives in warm, moist environments, and other allergens such as pollen and pet dander can accumulate very fast in a home or office without adequate ventilation.

Gable vents can help keep your attic regulated, your home environment healthier, and energy costs down through passive action that continually works.

If you’re in the market for some attractive, high-quality, affordable gable vents, FAMCO has a large selection to choose from.

Even better, we also have a calculator to help you determine the proper ratio of attic ventilation to square footage to help you make an informed decision.

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