All orders will be shipped through FedEx, UPS or any LTL carrier currently used by FAMCO. Shipping carrier will depend on price, order quantity, weight
- Duties and any other special requirements will be handled by the customer.
- We cannot be liable for shipping delays not within our control.
- Claims and disputes are to be handled between the customer and the carrier.
Free Shipping
Orders or more may qualify. Limited to the 48 contiguous United States.
Certain products may not qualify for free shipping.
If you have a combination of free shipping & not free shipping products in your cart, you will receive free shipping for the products that qualify & will pay shipping for the remainder of the products.
Standard Shipping Rates
Small orders typically ship with FedEx or UPS. Shipping rates are calculated based on single item rates, for bulk rates please contact us!
Shipping Price Errors
If you feel the price for shipping is not accurate, please contact us! We would love to work with you to charge the appropriate amount for your shipping.