To get the most out of your lawn and garden this coming summer, making the proper preparations in the spring time is critical. Not doing so could negatively affect your lawn and/or garden’s health by leaving them unprotected against:
- pests
- disease
- poor soil health
- poor aeration
Just like your garden, your lawn also requires care in order to grow into its maximum potential, so before slapping a patch of sod over that unsightly brown patch, try the steps below to reinvigorate your lawn and garden for the coming warm season.
Spring Garden Preparation
The basis of any good garden is optimal soil health. Before planting and growing in earnest, prepare the soil in your plot by following these steps.
Remove all debris, branches, and organic matter. Dead branches and overgrowth can prevent sunlight and rain from reaching your plants; organic matter can be placed in a pile and used later as compost after it breaks down.
Prune existing shrubs and bushes. New shoots and buds need a place to grow, so prune away dead branches for better access to the living root system. Be mindful of species that bloom on dead wood, and add fertilizer to help aid in recovery. Use sterilized shears to prevent the spread of disease.
Prepare the soil. Using a shovel or other sharp-handled instrument, dig into the soil and turn it over to loosen it. Once completed, add compost or any necessary amendments to the soil, then mix, rake, and lightly water.
Pro Tip: Putting down a thick layer of mulch right away is the best way to keep weeds out of your garden.
While most early planting can occur indoors, some seeds can be planted in a temperate spring garden plot under the right conditions. Be sure to follow recommended grow schedules for whichever plant is being grown.
Spring Lawn Preparation
Just like the soil in your garden, the lawn is in recovery mode and requires some extra care in order to bounce back to its former glory. To get your lawn ready for summer, follow these steps.
De-thatch your lawn, if necessary. “Thatch” is a thick, protective undergrowth that appears under the grass; however, this undergrowth can become a problem when it grows beyond ½ inch thick. Remove it with a dethatching rake, if needed. Certain species of grass are more prone to thatch than others.
Overseed to mediate brown patches and keep your lawn looking full. Rather than using chemical fertilizers that can attract weeds, overseeding in the spring rather than the fall is a quick way to help make the lawn’s appearance more uniform.
Do a level check on your lawn. Mosquitoes will nest anywhere there is standing water and high temperatures. Performing this check to ensure that your lawn is free of low spots will make next summer’s activities all that more enjoyable.
If you live in a temperate zone, it still may be too early to turn on your sprinklers.