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The Homeowner Handbook: Identifying Broken Window Seals. Signs And Possible Fixes.

When the winter cold sets in, your windows can either make or break your home heating success each year. In the winter, the most heat that a home will lose will be through the windows, and that is especially true when your windows are drafty and have broken seals. In today’s blog we’re going to cover how to tell if your windows are in need of new seals and what you can do to fix them along with other tips to help you stay warm this winter and to help you keep your HVAC energy bills lower. Saving money and staying warm, it’s a great combination!

Inspecting Your Windows. What To Look For.

The first step is to inspect your windows to see how they are performing against the winter chill. Here’s what to look for when inspecting your windows for broken or damaged seals:

  • Condensation around the bottom edges of the window
  • Fog on the outside edges of your window
  • Condensation droplets that appear to be inside the double or triple pane setup of your window
  • Ice crystals around the edges of your windows
  • Signs of moisture damage around the wood frame of your windows
  • Worn or damaged seal material around the edges
  • If your home’s energy bill rises noticeably month over month or year over year. That could mean that your windows are not as efficient as they were due to a broken seal

What To Do About A Broken Seal?

In some cases, broken seals can be fixed. Depending on the size and severity of your window, each one can be fixed by a qualified specialist for about $150 to $200 per window. If your windows are over 15 years old, then you may need to consider replacing them altogether in order to get the most energy efficient newer windows and to avoid having to deal with broken seals again in the near future as your windows get even older and more degraded. Food for thought!

Broken VS Inefficient. DIY Window Film Project.

Your seals may not be broken, but your windows may still be leaching valuable heat back into the winter air. This is the case for many older window styles and especially for single pane windows. If your seals are still intact and you want to still increase your home’s energy efficiency, then you may want to consider some quick DIY upgrades like adding insulating window film to your window panes and applying caulk around any gaps in the seal in the window housing. Applying your own insulating window film can save you money in the short and long run while you save up for a replacement set of windows in the near future. These types of films can be purchased at most major retailers online and in brick and mortar stores. 

Curtain Call

Putting up window films and caulking the gaps in the window frame housing can be excellent stop-gaps that will help you keep your home warmer this winter while lowering your overall energy bills. You may also want to consider purchasing special winterized heavy curtains or drapes that can also serve to block cold air from coming in and keep warm air safely inside your home where it belongs.

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